US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sign a document at a ceremony.

The US and North Korean leaders are signing an agreement after historic talks held in Singapore.

Trump and Kim arrived in the signing room, walking in together and taking seats at the table.

Trump said we’re signing a “very important document, a pretty comprehensive document”.

Kim said: “Today we have had a historic meeting, we decided to leave the past behind. The world will see a major change. I would like to express my gratitude to President Trump for making this meeting happen.”

After making statements, they shook hands and signed the documents.

It is still unclear what they have signed. Trump said that would become clear shortly and that he would “discuss this at great length” in a press conference to be held in about 45 minutes, but that the document was “comprehensive”.

“A lot of goodwill went into this, a lot of work, a lot of preparation. We’re very proud of what took place today,” said Trump.

Trump said the relationship between the world and North Korea was going to change in light of the agreement. “It’s going to be a very much different situation to what it has been in the past, said Trump. “We are going to take care of a very big and very dangerous problem for the world.”

Trump also cited the “strong bond” that existed between himself and Kim. “I want to say thank you to Chairman Kim, we spent a lot of time together today, a very intensive time.”

Trump was asked if he would invite Kim to the White House and Trump replied: “Absolutely.


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