‘Building a Booming Bangladesh’ was the theme of a student community networking event organized by Embassy of Bangladesh, the Hague in association with the Brainchain, a local civil society organisaiton dedicated to building bridge between NRBs and local people in Bangladesh. During the event a reception was accorded to the newly arrived students from Bangladesh to the Netherlands. Along with Embassy Officials, around hundred students, alumni, academics and young professionals attended the program. Among the participants most of the students were newcomer who joined different Universities of the Netherlands in 2019.
The main objective of the seminar was to provide the students

Both Masters and Bachelor level students from Erasmus University-Rotterdam, Maastricht School of Management, Wageningen University, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool Rotterdam, HAN University of Applied Sciences, University of Twente, Technical University of Eindhoven, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, Fontys University of Applied Sciences attended the seminar.
Welcoming the students, academics, and executives at the Embassy, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands Sheikh Mohammed Belal in his remarks highlighted Bangladesh’s development journey and urged students to do their part through sharing their experiences of ‘innovation’ and ‘creativity’. Drawing lessons from successes of the Netherlands, Ambassador Belal advised the students and academics to provide ideas on how Bangladesh could also achieve similar success. He went on to state, “modern societies can amass large amounts of productive knowledge because they distribute bits and pieces of it among its many members. But to make use of it, this knowledge has to be put back together through organizations and markets. Thus, individual specialization begets diversity at the national and global level.”

Ambassador Belal outlined initiatives how Embassy of Bangladesh wishes to partner with different academic institutions and businesses to open up opportunities for students of Bangladesh in the Netherlands. Thanking the government of the Netherlands, in general and Nuffic, in particular Ambassador Belal hoped that they will also continue their support with innovative initiatives.
The representative of the Foreign Ministry Ms. Louise Huijbens, in her intervention, assured the support of the government of the Netherlands. Dutch representative also elaborated on how the visit of Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina to the Netherlands and Her Majesty Queen Maxima of Netherlands to Bangladesh in 2015 brought plethora of initiatives in the sphere of Bangladesh-the Netherlands relations.
Students and academics in their interventions expressed their happiness in the administration of Nuffic but urged to consider more publicity in Bangladesh for recruitment of students in the Netherlands. Students also sought assistance for adequate job coaching, career planning assistance and internship opportunities in the Netherlands.
In the seminar the students were given ideas, tips and tricks for academic success, guidance on cultural and social adaptation and adjustment with Dutch environment and health related general advice. Alumni and Bangladeshi young professionals exchanged their experiences with the students which inspired them a lot. Students also requested for guidance on job opportunity, internship and career planning from the experts. Students also shared their learning experience and how they can implement that for improvement of Bangladesh.
Ambassador Belal wrapped up the session by highlighting Honble Prime Minister’s personal initiatives in the field of water, agriculture, innovations and requested the students to remain engaged with the Embassy to build a ‘‘Booming Bangladesh’’. Ambassador assured that the Embassy will follow up on the suggestions made by the students and requested all to continue their feedback stream with the Embassy.
Dr. Dilruba Nasrin, spouse of Ambassador while distributing token of appreciations to the participants wished to see more engaged student community so that knowledge and innovations from the Netherlands could also be implemented in Bangladesh, where possible.
The Seminar was followed by dinner and a brief cultural program performed by Trimatrik (a Bangladeshi band). The program was moderated by Mr. Kabir Siraj of Royal Dutch Shell. Overall, the students expressed their happiness and gratitude for organizing such get together.