Bangladesh Deposits Instrument of Ratification of BBNJ Agreement that will enter into force 120 days after.

The Adviser for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Md.Touhid Hossain, deposited Bangladesh’s instrument of ratification for the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement) at the UNGA High Level Treaty Event held in New York today.

The BBNJ Agreement, adopted by consensus at the UN on 19 June 2023, represents a landmark achievement in the governance of the global commons, aimed at strengthening international legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in maritime areas beyond national jurisdiction through transparent environmental impact assessment and also by supporting capacity-building efforts of developing countries. The BBNJ Agreementwill enter into force 120 days after 60 Member States have deposited their instruments of ratification, approval, acceptance, or accession. It also includes

With the deposit of the instrument of ratification, Bangladesh has now joined the ranks of the pioneering nations that have ratified this vital Agreement. Bangladesh actively participated in all stages of the negotiations and made significant contributions to the final text, particularly regarding issues related to Marine Genetic Resources (MGRs), the transfer of marine technology, and capacity-building in line with Article 14 of UNCLOS.

This ratification underscores Bangladesh’s unwavering commitment to international cooperation and regulatory initiatives in marine affairs. As an early ratifier, Bangladesh aspires to pave the way for the swift entry into force of the BBNJ Agreement and remains dedicated to its universal and effective implementation.

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