The UN Human Rights Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the repatriation of Rohingyas to Myanmar

Report by Humayun Kabir ,
To emphasize on the sustainable solution to the ongoing Rohingya crisis by creating a supportive environment in Rakhine and ensuring justice and accountability for the Rohingya population A resolution on the Rohingya was adopted unanimously at the ongoing 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.
In the ongoing session of the Human Rights Council, the resolution titled “Human Rights Situation of Rohingya Muslims and Other Minorities in Myanmar” was presented by all member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) at the initiative of Bangladesh. After intensive and lengthy compromise discussions, the proposal was unanimously adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council today. After the resolution was adopted, Ms. Sanchita Haque, Acting Permanent Representative of the Bangladesh Permanent Mission in Geneva, said, “It is not possible for Bangladesh to shelter a large number of Rohingyas indefinitely with insufficient resources and various constraints. Realizing the importance of Bangladesh’s concern, she also said that the international community should support Bangladesh in its repatriation.
 In addition to this, expressing concern about the frustration caused by the long-term uncertainty over repatriation and its various negative effects, she stressed the initiation of sustainable and voluntary repatriation by quickly creating a supportive environment in Rakhine.
The adopted resolution expressed deep concern over the recent violence against the Rohingya in Rakhine, the displacement of Rohingya and their forced recruitment into various armed forces. The resolution calls on all parties to the war in Myanmar to protect the Rohingya and ensure their safety. Expressing concern over the loss of life and property in neighboring countries including Bangladesh due to the Myanmar conflict, the resolution urged Myanmar to take necessary measures to maintain stability along its international borders.
The adopted resolution commended the Government of Bangladesh for providing temporary shelter to the displaced Rohingya population. In this resolution, the international community is called upon to provide adequate financial support for the Rohingya, expressing concern over the inadequate and limited financial support for the Rohingya.
The resolution emphasizes on strengthening the investigation process and bringing those accused and responsible for all kinds of torture, crimes against humanity and war crimes against the Rohingya people under national, regional and international justice system.
In this context, the ongoing trial process at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice is also supported. In addition, the resolution reiterated the jurisdiction of the United Nations Security Council in determining what to do in such situations, welcoming all efforts at the international level.
Apart from, the resolution requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to report to the Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly on the progress of implementing the recommendations of the “impartial international fact-finding mission” on Myanmar.

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